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Local News

Last month we were able to send $10,950 in funds collected for landslide recovery in Congo. Many thanks for the amazing response from churches and individuals in New Castle Presbytery. Pastor Thierry sent a few pictures of him distributing these funds to the seven churches that were the most severely affected by the erosion, and to individuals whose homes were severely damaged or destroyed. Though not nearly enough to “fix” the problem, these gifts go a long way to bring hope and comfort. With joy and gratitude, Laurie Loveless, convener of NCP Congo Partnership


A celebration of new land for Apollo Church, which was purchased with funds which NCP sent."May the light of Christmas illuminate your heart in Jesus Christ.I would like to express to you and to the N.P.C. my gratitude for the purchase of a 30 x 30-metre plot of land at number 15 avenue Kabamba, Appollos district.The faithful of this parish occupied their plot of land to shouts of joy and immense elation.

See the photos and videos.

Together with them, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

May the Eternal God shower you with his graces.Merry Christmas to one and all.

Pastor Honoré Thierry MUKEKUA MuanzaExecutive Secretary/ P.k."

On a recent online children's Sunday School lesson at Elkton Presbyterian Church in Elkton, MD, kids were reminded of how helping others is the best way to show God's love. They were encouraged to think of ways they could show that love towards our sister church in the Congo.


Some kids came up with the idea of making homemade necklaces which will be sold, and those profits will go directly to our sister church in the Congo to help with their piggery. Now that is showing pure love for our brothers and sisters in Christ!


What a joyous celebration! The joy of singing at Sunday School at Pastor Tshibuabua’s Dinanga church.


"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.

I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands."

Psalm 63:3-4

View the video below to watch Simon open a very well-needed printer.
We will never stop assisting our Congo brothers and sisters!

The latest information from the women's missions


Wonderful news from our Congo sisters and brothers! Please congratulate Pastor Thierry Mukekua who was just elected the new Executive Presbyter of Kananga Presbytery. Pastor Tshibuabua is “passing the baton” in this picture. And congratulations to Pastor Tshibuabua on his new appointment as Coordinator of Community Development for the denomination! God is good all the time!

Pastor Tshibuabua and Simon Ntumba inspecting the new shipment of chalk for the Women’s Organization to sell to local schools

On the same day of our Presbytery meeting this Saturday, January 17, 2021, the churches in Kananga Presbytery will gather in a central church to celebrate Pastor Lazare Tshibuabua’s 25 years as Executive Secretary.

He leaves this position to begin a new one as director of

Community Development for the Congo Presbyterian Church. His successor is Pastor Thierry Mukekua, pastor of Oecumenique Church, which is Simon Ntumba’s home church and sister church with Westminster Church in Rehoboth.

We are grateful to Pastor Tshibuabua for his strong leadership in our Congo Partnership and congratulate him on his new assignment.

We also welcome Pastor Mukekua and look forward to a fruitful relationship.

May God bless their ministries.


New chairs were delivered this past Sunday to five churches in Kananga Presbytery out of Ignite funds. They showed their appreciation by praying for us during their worship services.

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Women receiving corn meal through a project we fund to which is the new women’s NGO in Kananga: Presbyterian Women Hope of Kasai!

Youth Sunday was also celebrated in the Congo on June 6! Here are photos of the youth during Youth Sunday at Ecumenique church. Pastor Theirry is their pastor, and their sister church is Westminster in Rehoboth.

Our partnership between the Dover church and Bobume was celebrated in worship by Pastor Tulume and his congregation recently!

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Simon Ntumba (pictured on the left) recently sent these photos, and we were so glad and grateful to receive them! A pastor was preaching from the old Bible (top photo) for several years, which only had the gospel of John and Revelation. Bibles are very scarce in Tshiluba, especially these days. Simon found the Bible in the additional photos at a Catholic bookstore for $25, and gave it to this pastor. Such a wonderful blessing!

On Saturday, July 31st, Kananga Presbytery celebrated its silver (25th year) anniversary. At the worship service they gave out merit diplomas to various clergy and laity as pictured in this image!

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